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Chinese medecine rests on a few fondamental concepts, put together through the observation of nature and the relations between the different elements making it up. These concepts are used to explain and describe universal phenomena.


This way, and because it considers the human body as a whole microcosm, Chinese medecine takes into accounts a person's internal aspects (physical, mental, psycho-emotional symptoms) and external aspects (way of life, work, environnement...) to explain the mechanisms behind a pathology, and from there, to define the treatment aiming at recovering a good health
I practice acupuncture based on the fundamentals of Chinese medecine and will be happy to welcome you in Fribourg or Yverdon-les-Bains.


Chloé Tissot-Daguette

ASCA and RME member – treatments refunded by their affiliated complementary insurances



Take care of yourself with a holistic medecine

Chinese medecine, a medecine standing on its own :


Route Saint-Nicolas-de-Flüe 2 

Practice "MedSyn"

5th floor

1700 Fribourg



Rue des Remparts 20

Practice "Mum To Be"

4th floor

1400 Yverdon-les-Bains

T : 078 692 67 69

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